Julia Child is reported to have said, "I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate." For me, I was 30. While I have always loved food, cooking was something I feared, disliked, and avoided until motherhood compelled me to overcome my feelings and, in spite of myself, I found I began to enjoy trying new recipes, creating tasty meals, and sharing them with others. These are the adventures of my learning to love something that overwhelmed and intimidated me for far too long. I hope you will enjoy (and perhaps benefit from) the tales of a reluctant cook!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Healthier dessert option: Cocoa Oat Truffles (originally published March 16, 2014)

This is one of my favorite healthier dessert recipes. I can’t for the life of me remember where I got it (I think it may have been on Whole Foods’ webpage…), but I’ve made it several times, and it sure is easy and satisfying. Plus, it’s a relatively guilt-free treat.
Cocoa Oat Truffles:

Makes approximately 20 truffles

1 C Rolled Oats
1 C Finely Chopped, Pitted Dates
1/4 C Unsweetened Cocoa Powder, divided (I like Trader Joe’s brand)
1/2 C Almond Butter
2 t Pure Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Ground Nutmeg
Pinch of Ground Cinnamon

Place oats in a food processor until finely ground.
Add dates, 2 T cocoa, almond butter, vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon, and process until finely ground and sticking together.
Place remaining cocoa in shallow bowl.
Roll mixture into balls about 2 t each, pressing firmly for mixture to stick together.
Roll truffles in cocoa and chill until ready to serve.

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